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WAIT STILL WINTHROP’S corpse lay silently at home for a week in November 1717, while family members buzzed with activity. They approached the governor, his predecessor, the lieutenant governor, and members of the colony’s council to walk alongside the body as it moved to the burying ground. They bought hundreds of pounds worth of rings, gloves, and clothing—as well as 32 new halberds and 16 new drumheads for the regiment that would accompany the procession. And they ordered the painting of almost fifty black lions on escutcheons bearing the family coat of arms.1

The splendid ceremony they organized was fully worthy of the Winthrop family that had produced Wait Still’s grandfather, the first governor of Massachusetts, as well as his father and brother, both governors of Connecticut. Like these eminent ancestors, Wait Still’s trip to the grave had a military escort and attracted substantial public interest. Besides the regiment, the eminent bearers, and the deceased’s horse bearing the black lion, the procession, a newspaper noted, included “the Chief Gentlemen and Inhabitants both of Town and Country.” The Boston diarist Samuel Sewall, who served as one of the bearers, recorded that “the Streets were crowded with people.”2

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But Wait Still’s ceremony differed from his ancestors’. Most notably, unlike his grandfather’s 1649 and his father’s 1676 ceremonies, his 1717 funeral offered participants extensive gifts. A long (and probably incomplete) list records that the family distributed gloves, scarves, rings, and escutcheons to at least 41 individuals or families, 70 officials, 12 council members, and the entire 100-person lower house of the legislature. As a bearer (as well as part of the council), Sewall received each of these gifts. We can presume that the pious layperson went home with a prayer on his lips; we can be sure that he returned with a ring on his finger, gloves on his hands, and yards of material over his shoulders.3

Wendell Ramon Vars

With the possible exception of the weekly church service (which in these years increasingly featured funeral sermons), funerals were eighteenth-century New England’s most common, most substantial, and most highly developed public ceremony. They were also, for the region’s wealthy elites, its most expensive. Rich families spent freely on the material goods they displayed and gave away at funerals. In a year when all of Boston paid £1700 to the province for poll and property tax, the Winthrops’ ceremony cost almost £600, more than the tax payments from any other locality in the colony—and more than twice as much as all Maine put together.4

Contemporaries would have called the 1717 Winthrop ceremony a “large funeral, ” a burial for well-to-do New Englanders that included extensive gifts, expanded use of mourning attire and funeral decorations, and a substantial number of participants. The large funeral of Winthrop’s time was bigger, more visible, and more elegant than earlier ceremonies, so different that contemporaries worried about the strain of these new demands. The “expence of funerals of late years . . . is become very extravagant, ” Massachusetts legislators complained in 1721, leading to “the impoverishment of many families.”5 Yet despite such anxieties, and the legislative action it inspired, the large funeral remained popular until the Revolutionary era.

This paper examines the origin and significance of the large funeral. During the early years of the eighteenth century, it argues, New Englanders such as Samuel Sewall, whose diary provides the major source for this study, adapted the seventeenth-century Calvinist funeral ceremony to the needs of eighteenth-century elites, dressing up its older structures with genteel material culture. The enormous expense of Wait Still Winthrop’s 1717 funeral at first seems distant from the simple, almost wordless ritual established in the 1630s under Winthrop’s grandfather. But a closer look suggests that the large funeral elaborated upon rather than broke free from that structure, a process that created a more complex version of the earlier system rather than making it completely different. By offering room for expanding material culture, the Puritan funeral allowed wealthy New England families in the eighteenth century to employ the emerging vocabulary of gentility, an increasing emphasis upon carefully restrained self-presentation that provided a means of expanding material culture that could express both the honor and taste of the family. The large funeral dramatized the older burial service, making it more theatrical, more expressive, and more genteel.

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Marilyn J. Brantley

This reshaping can be seen more clearly by looking at three major issues: what people brought to the funeral; what happened there; and what people brought from it. After examining mourning, ceremonies, and gifts, the discussion concludes by briefly suggesting how the seemingly motley elements of the large funeral disintegrated in the age of the American Revolution.

These changes have often been noticed, but they are seldom explained convincingly. A long series of works beginning with Alice Morse Earle in the late nineteenth century describe the great increase in material goods at early New England funerals. David Stannard suggests that more expansive funerals resulted from inward-turning tribalism, while Laurie Hochstetler has made the case that they carried an increasingly explicit religious content that distinguished them from earlier Puritan practice. But such discussions tend to mine Sewall’s diary and other sources for examples rather reading them closely for a range of practices and their meanings. More important, these arguments have obscured the eighteenth-century funeral’s connection with its predecessors—and given even less attention to the significance of genteel values, and to the later, more revolutionary, changes that swept away the entire structure by the end of the century.6

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As these studies note, the examination of early eighteenth-century funerals must rest upon the diary of Samuel Sewall, an untiring participant in and observer of New England life and particularly of funerals. His extensive diary, the fullest diary of a mainland English colonial before the mid-eighteenth century, notes that, in the forty-five years before his 1730 death (the longest unbroken stretch of his diary), he attended more than 500 funerals, an average of one funeral a month. He served as a bearer 140 times, about once every four months. Sewall did not consider these ceremonies burdensome social obligations. He filled his diary with lovingly recorded specifics about the funerals he attended—and even many he had not. As he remarked to his fellow bearers at a ceremony almost exactly ten years before Winthrop’s death, “we were often concern’d in Funerals.”7

Ferd R. Sekoll

Sewall offers an insider’s understanding of this world. By 1717, he had long been close to nearly all the centers of power within New England, as a Harvard graduate and former tutor, a member of the council, and a respected jurist, as well as a deacon of Old South Church and a close friend of many of the colony’s ministers, including Cotton Mather. With the death of Winthrop in 1717, he became (at the age of 65) the chief justice of the colony’s highest court. Just as important, Sewall was also deeply interested in the larger issues that were at the heart of the changes within funerals. He was first a staunch defender of the region’s traditions—calling Winthrop a “a very pious. . . New-England Man” was high praise indeed. But Sewall also lived in the larger cultural and material world made possible by increased commerce and communication. Sewall himself had helped to create that expansion, as both a merchant and someone who had managed what was at the time the only press in all New England. Used with a range of evidence from the period, Sewall’s diary allows a close look at the changes and the continuities within funerals and their material culture, a series of changes that reveal the ways that Sewall and his contemporaries struggled to preserve their connections with the community within a world that operated on a new scale and according to new standards.8

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Samuel Sewall found the months surrounding Wait Still Winthrop’s death particularly difficult. His wife had died three weeks before—an event that “fill’d our House with a flood of Tears.” Other family members and close associates followed. By December, he noted that he had served as bearer for half of the people who had served in that role for his wife only two months ago. He told a correspondent that he felt “the Breakers . . . passing over me, Wave after Wave, Wave after Wave, in a most formidable Succession.”9

Other people recognized Sewall’s situation—and shared it. In the church service the next day, Sewall’s son, a minister, was almost unable to read the note that Sewall had posted asking for prayer. “Our Ruffled Mind can scarcely Think, for Tears, ” mourned a poet writing about Sewall’s wife’s death before describing the widower as being “in Sorrow almost Drown’d.”10

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Sewall and his contemporaries, who often referred to death as “dissolution, ” a dissolving, or breaking apart, understood the agonies created by the death of a loved one. But they also knew of its dangers, especially because the New England tradition had given these difficulties much thought. The first generation of settlers crafted a set of practices that sought to avoid the problems created by excessive grief. The large funeral of the early eighteenth century took shape within the context of expectations

Sewall offers an insider’s understanding of this world. By 1717, he had long been close to nearly all the centers of power within New England, as a Harvard graduate and former tutor, a member of the council, and a respected jurist, as well as a deacon of Old South Church and a close friend of many of the colony’s ministers, including Cotton Mather. With the death of Winthrop in 1717, he became (at the age of 65) the chief justice of the colony’s highest court. Just as important, Sewall was also deeply interested in the larger issues that were at the heart of the changes within funerals. He was first a staunch defender of the region’s traditions—calling Winthrop a “a very pious. . . New-England Man” was high praise indeed. But Sewall also lived in the larger cultural and material world made possible by increased commerce and communication. Sewall himself had helped to create that expansion, as both a merchant and someone who had managed what was at the time the only press in all New England. Used with a range of evidence from the period, Sewall’s diary allows a close look at the changes and the continuities within funerals and their material culture, a series of changes that reveal the ways that Sewall and his contemporaries struggled to preserve their connections with the community within a world that operated on a new scale and according to new standards.8

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Samuel Sewall found the months surrounding Wait Still Winthrop’s death particularly difficult. His wife had died three weeks before—an event that “fill’d our House with a flood of Tears.” Other family members and close associates followed. By December, he noted that he had served as bearer for half of the people who had served in that role for his wife only two months ago. He told a correspondent that he felt “the Breakers . . . passing over me, Wave after Wave, Wave after Wave, in a most formidable Succession.”9

Other people recognized Sewall’s situation—and shared it. In the church service the next day, Sewall’s son, a minister, was almost unable to read the note that Sewall had posted asking for prayer. “Our Ruffled Mind can scarcely Think, for Tears, ” mourned a poet writing about Sewall’s wife’s death before describing the widower as being “in Sorrow almost Drown’d.”10

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Sewall and his contemporaries, who often referred to death as “dissolution, ” a dissolving, or breaking apart, understood the agonies created by the death of a loved one. But they also knew of its dangers, especially because the New England tradition had given these difficulties much thought. The first generation of settlers crafted a set of practices that sought to avoid the problems created by excessive grief. The large funeral of the early eighteenth century took shape within the context of expectations

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It Takes Two is an action-advture platform video game developed by Hazelight Studios and published by Electronic Arts. It was released for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Windows, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S in March 2021, and was released for Nintdo Switch in November 2022. Like Hazelight's debut game A Way Out, it does not have a single-player option. It is playable only in either online or local split scre cooperative multiplayer betwe two players.

It Takes Two received critical acclaim and won multiple year-d accolades, including the Game of the Year at The Game Awards 2021 and the 25th Annual D.I.C.E. Awards. The game was a commercial success, with more than 10 million copies sold by February 2023.

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It Takes Two is an action-advture video game with elemts from platform games. It is specifically designed for split-scre cooperative multiplayer, which means that it must be played with another player through either local or online play. The game features a large number of game mechanics from various video game gres.

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These gameplay mechanics are connected to the story and the theme of the level. For instance, in one level, Cody gains the ability to rewind time, whereas May can replicate herself. Players have to cooperate with each other and utilize these abilities in order to progress. The game also features a large number of minigames.

Cody (Joseph Balderrama) and May (Annabelle Dowler), a married couple, are planning on getting a divorce. After telling their daughter Rose (Clare Corbett) the news, she takes her hand-made dolls, which look like her parts, into the family shed and tries to repair their relationship by play-acting. The parts find themselves trapped inside the dolls' bodies as a consequce of Rose's tears landing on the dolls. Dr. Hakim, who has assumed the anthropomorphic form of his relationship therapy book, tells May and Cody that he has be giv the job of trying to fix their relationship as they try to reach Rose.

At first, Cody and May are more focused on trying to reach Rose, who they hope knows of a way to return them to their human bodies. However, Hakim continually interferes with their progress, oft putting obstacles and tests in their way to force them to collaborate to progress. They also come across anthropomorphic versions of their old possessions, who criticize Cody and May for their mistreatmt and negligce of both their possessions and Rose. As they travel all around their property, Cody and May are reminded of the positive memories they had together, as well as what originally drew them together to become a couple, and learn to work together and collaborate to move forward in their journey.

Spore (2008 Video Game)

In a final series of obstacles, Hakim courages Cody and May to rediscover their passions and support each other. This first takes them on an advture through Cody's overgrown, abandoned gard and grehouse, which May helps him to restore. They th work together to help May rediscover her passion for music and singing.

Meanwhile, Rose continues to do her best to md the relationship betwe her parts, but both Cody and May's real bodies have fall unconscious and will not respond to her. Thinking her parts are ignoring her, Rose comes to believe that she is the reason their marriage is falling apart and decides to run away in hopes that will make them stay together.

After a long journey, Cody and May finally complete Hakim's final test, gathering an orchestra and audice for May to perform in front of. As May sings, the relationship betwe her and Cody is at last fully healed, and they kiss, which reverses the trance they are in. They reawak in their real bodies and are shocked to learn that Rose has already run away. Fortunately, they are able to find her at a nearby bus stop and assure her that she is not the cause of their argumts and that they will always love her no matter what happs. The trio th returns home with a new perspective on their relationship.

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Josef Fares, the director of Hazelight's previous game A Way Out (2018) and Starbreeze's Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons (2013), returned and directed a team of 60 people to develop the game. After releasing A Way Out in 2018, the team decided to create another co-op only video game because it had a more expericed and refined team and the team felt that they could further improve and expand the gameplay concepts introduced by A Way Out.

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The developmt team worked to sure that the gameplay had connection with the narrative, and that as the story unfolds, the game's mechanics will change accordingly. Fares pushed his team to include as many mechanics and setpieces as possible since he believed that if a gameplay mechanic is used repeatedly, it will become "less special".

Fares described the game as a "romantic comedy". Fares provided motion capture for Dr. Hakim, one of the key characters in the game.

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Like A Way Out, It Takes Two was published under Electronic Arts' EA Originals program. The program allowed Hazelight to retain full creative control while receiving most of the game's profit after developmt cost was recouped.

EA and Hazelight introduced Frid's Pass for the game, which allows the player who purchased the game to sd invitations to their frids who can th play the game for free with the player.

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The game was released for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Windows, Xbox One and Xbox Series X and Series S on March 26, 2021.

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A port by Turn Me Up Games for Nintdo Switch was announced in a Nintdo Direct in September 2022, and was released on 4 November 2022.

After the game was released, Hazelight Studios attempted to file a trademark for the name It Takes Two, but Take-Two Interactive filed a trademark complaint, arguing it was too close to their trademark on the words "take" and "two". Hazelight abandoned the trademark application of the name, making it difficult for them to gage in certain types of marketing, but the developers said they are "hopeful it will be resolved".

It Takes Two was considered as one of the best games released in 2021 and the best couch co-op game of that year by many fans.

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In January 2022, it was announced that adaptations in the form of both a feature film and television series were in developmt from Dimitri M. Johnson's dj2 tertainmt studios.

A feature lgth film was officially in developmt beginning in January 2022, with Pat Casey and Josh Miller slated to be working on the screplay for the film, while a multi-studio bidding war for distribution rights was ongoing. The project will include collaborative input from the video game's creative developer, Hazelight Studios.

By April 2022, it was announced that Amazon had landed distribution rights, as part of a first-look deal betwe the company, dj2 tertainmt, and the screwriters. The plot was confirmed to follow the basic premise of the game: lead characters May and Cody are a married couple considering divorce whose minds are inadverttly trapped in two dolls wh their daughter starts crying. Together the couple must learn to work together, and regain their bodies. Dwayne Johnson, Dany Garcia, and Hiram Garcia joined the production in producing roles, alongside Dimitri M. Johnson and Dan Jevons. The project will be a joint-vture production betwe Hazelight Studios, dj2 tertainmt, Sev Bucks Productions, and Amazon Studios. Intded to be released via streaming as a Prime Video Original Film, Johnson is also being courted to star in the film.This article is about the 2008 game by Maxis. For the 1987 game for the Commodore 64 and ZX Spectrum, see Spore (1987 video game). For the 1991 game for the MS-DOS, see Spore (1991 video game).

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Spore is a 2008 life simulation real-time strategy God game developed by Maxis and published by Electronic Arts for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X. Designed by Will Wright, it covers many gres including action, real-time strategy, and role-playing games. Spore allows a player to control the developmt of a species from its beginnings as a microscopic organism, through developmt as an intelligt and social creature, to interstellar exploration as a spacefaring culture. It has drawn wide atttion for its massive scope, and its use of op-ded gameplay and procedural geration. Throughout each stage, players are able to use various creators to produce contt for their games. These are th automatically uploaded to the online Sporepedia and are accessible by other players for download.

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Spore was released after several delays to gerally favorable reviews. Praise was giv for the fact that the game allowed players to create customized creatures, vehicles, and buildings. However, Spore was criticized for its gameplay which was se as shallow by many reviewers; GameSpot remarked: "Individual gameplay elemts are extremely simple". Controversy surrounded Spore due to the inclusion of SecuROM, and its digital rights managemt software, which can pottially op the user's computer to security risks.

Spore allows the player to develop a species from a microscopic organism to its evolution into a complex creature, its emergce as a social, intelligt being, to

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Mario is Missing! is an educational game created for MS-DOS, SNES, NES, and Mac. The gameplay was widely panned by critics, although its Super Mario World music remixes have gained recognition. Mario is Missing! was released in floppy disk format for MS-DOS in 1992, with the CD-ROM Deluxe edition and conversions released the following year. A follow-up called Mario's Time Machine was eventually released. This is the second game in which Luigi is the main protagonist, the first being Luigi's Hammer Toss.

In his latest scheme, Bowser decides to flood the Earth with hairdryers from Hafta Havit Mail-Order to melt Antarctica. In order to buy the hairdryers, Bowser has his Koopas travel all over the world and steal various important landmarks he plans to sell. Mario, Luigi and Yoshi follow Bowser to Antarctica to stop him. However, Mario is captured by Bowser when he continues on his own.

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There are many different reasons for this depending on the version of the game being played. In the PC version, Luigi is too frightened to enter the castle, forcing Mario to enter alone. Despite his brother's warnings against taking candy from strangers, Mario accepts and eats candy offered to him by Bowser, disguised as a butler, allowing Mario to be captured in a net.

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In the SNES version, Mario arrives last in Antarctica, with Luigi and Yoshi already present - Mario apparently warps to Antarctica by accident while distracted by the incomplete title in Dinosaur Land, with Luigi being eager for them to enter the castle. A pit then opens up beneath him, trapping him.

In the NES version, a Koopa simply throws a bag over Mario as he is fuming about the title, claiming he was missing as he walks through the ice and snow.

With Mario captured, Luigi finds himself faced with the task of returning all the stolen artifacts and saving both his brother and Earth itself. He bravely enters the castle, leaving Yoshi outside.

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Story from console instruction booklet [ edit] Bowser's Plot [ edit] Oh no! Bowser and his bad boys are back to a life of crime. This time, it's not Mario World — it's your world! From his Antarctic castle, Bowser hustles his cold-blooded crew of cantankerous Koopas into his powerful Passcode Operated Remote Transport And Larceny System (PORTALS). The twisted turtles transport themselves throughout the globe, where celebrated cities suffer shell-shocking crime waves, as turtles trash landmarks and loot ancient artifacts. With dough from his slimy scales, Bowser hoards hair dryers from the Hafta-Havit Hotline. His plot? Melt Antarctica and flood the planet! Whoa! Mario's Fate [ edit] Will the brave brothers from Brooklyn permit this abominable snow plan? The boys say "Not!" Mario, Luigi and Yoshi trek across ice and snow to shellac the shelled ones' schemes. But Bowser's slick; in one last trick, he takes the dearest thing of all...Mario is Missing! Luigi's Mission [ edit] Luigi must stop the Koopas, foil Bowser's plan, and find Mario. Sneaking into each Portal, Luigi is transported to a city in trouble. There, Luigi needs to nab each Koopa, grab its loot, and return the artifact to its proper landmark. Along the way, Luigi explores the city, chats with the locals, reads maps, and solves puzzles. Help him do this before time runs out! Once he figures out where he is on the globe, Luigi must use the Globulator to call Yoshi. Only after Yoshi scares Pokey away, can Luigi return to Bowser's castle and lock the Portal for that city. Ending [ edit]

In the DOS version, Luigi takes Bowser's shell (which covers his tail in this depiction) off, causing Bowser to run off screen, embarrassed about his polka-dot boxers. This is the only time Bowser has been seen in his shell-less form. Luigi shakes the shell to retrieve the key to Mario's cell, and then throws the carapace away. Bowser returns wondering where his shell is, with Luigi then lying to him saying he threw the shell off the balcony; then, when Bowser leans over the railing to look for it, Luigi kicks him off and he lands in the snow. Luigi then opens Mario's cell and the two dance around in joy. They then go outside and shake Yoshi's hand, before walking off into the distance together. Bowser then pokes his head out of the snow, looking in their direction with his shell back on.

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In the Macintosh version, Bowser does not run off after his boxers are revealed, and Luigi smacks him off the balcony with his own shell.

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In the SNES version of the ending, Luigi pulls a lever to reveal Mario behind a wall. Bowser then jumps down from a distant ledge, but Luigi pulls the same lever, causing Bowser to fall down into a cannon. He is then launched out of the castle and into the snow, where he freezes instantly and then shatters. In the NES version, Luigi and Bowser have a boss battle and "Bowser" turns out to be a normal Koopa in disguise, who turns the key to Mario's cell, freeing him.

In each level, Luigi must retrieve several artifacts which were stolen by several Koopas within the city and return them to their rightful places. Luigi must jump on the Koopas to defeat them and reclaim the artifacts, which he then takes back to the landmarks they were stolen from. He must answer trivia questions about the landmarks before the Curators will take the wares back. In the SNES version, all the information kiosks are manned by women resembling Princess Daisy (complete with crown), although this is an unconfirmed appearance.

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The DOS version adds a videophone aspect to gameplay, and Luigi must call the help number provided at the landmarks to get in touch with his friends, answer the questions, return the artifact, and receive a monetary reward. The mayor of the city also phones Luigi when he arrives, asking for his help in stopping the Koopas; he later phones when Luigi secures the city, thanking him and wishing him luck in finding Mario. Mario himself even manages to phone Luigi, giving him advice on his journey as well as updates on his capture and the Koopas' struggle to maintain their plot as planned. This version also has a Taxi feature, in which Luigi collects little Taxi tokens around the city and then exchanges them for rides across town to any point on the map. The SNES version instead uses more Warp Pipes to facilitate speedy travel.

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As well as returning the artifacts, Luigi must also deduce what city he is in so that he can use the Globulator and call Yoshi to his aid for double the walking and running speed. Without Yoshi, Luigi cannot finish the level, as the exit pipe is occupied by a Pokey. Yoshi proceeds to gobble the Pokey up in the DOS version, whereas the Pokey is merely scared away by Yoshi's presence in the SNES release.

Once Luigi has secured all the cities whose doors are located on a floor of the castle, Luigi must use a fire flower collected in the cities to defeat them using their only weakness - fire. The console releases remove the fire flower in favor of a small boss battle. However, the bosses cannot hurt Luigi, and must be stomped on a certain number of times to be defeated in the SNES and NES versions. The console versions also differ in that the Koopas are not defeated when they are knocked about and forced to leave in an undignified manner, but rather a sound stomp with destroy them upon impact (including the shell). The SNES version also has them literally fall to pieces, like a collapsing building.

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In addition, there was a later enhanced edition for PC known as the CD-ROM Deluxe version. It included full-on voice acting to go along with the dialogue, although not all of the in-game text matched the audio exactly. The voice actors are known (Kathy Fitzgerald, Rob Wallace, Bob Sorenson, Nicholas Glaeser, David Gill), but the game does not specify which of them supplied which voices. There are also some graphical changes, such as loading screens when the screen is black, and icons of Princess Toadstool, Toad and Donkey Kong replace a recurring phone call NPC (although the old dialogue was not changed on-screen). The viewings of every historic spot in particular were originally recreated and shown in garish coloring. The CD-ROM Deluxe version replaces most of these pictures with realistic photographs and even live-action video clips to represent the landmarks, with some exceptions carried over from the floppy disk version.

Bastion (video Game)

This section is under construction. Therefore, please excuse its informal appearance while it is being worked on. We hope to have it completed as soon as possible. This section is currently under construction by Time Turner (talk).

It has been requested that this article be rewritten and expanded to include more information. Reason: include information about lots of unused sprites from NES version

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Dialogue intended for the ending of the game is in the CD-ROM Deluxe edition of the game: Game

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Tip: For large-scale games, consider framing your print and providing dry erase markers for your guests so mistakes can easily be removed and the game can be played by multiple groups throughout the day!

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Is a 2018 online multiplayer social deduction game developed and published by American game studio Innersloth. The game was inspired by the party game Mafia and the scice fiction horror film The Thing.

The game allows for cross-platform play, released on iOS and Android devices in June 2018 and on Windows later that year in November. The game was ported to the Nintdo Switch in December 2020 and on the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S in December 2021. A virtual reality adaptation, Among Us VR, was released on November 10, 2022.

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Among Us takes place in space-themed settings where players are colorful, armless cartoon astronauts. Each player takes on one of two roles: most are Crewmates, but a small number play Impostors.

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Crewmates work to complete assigned tasks in the game while idtifying and voting out suspected Impostors (which appear idtical to Crewmates) by means of social deduction, while Impostors have the objective of killing the Crewmates.

While the game was initially released in 2018 to little mainstream atttion, it received a massive influx of popularity in 2020 due to many Twitch streamers and YouTubers playing it, and due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It received favorable reviews from critics on account of its fun and tertaining gameplay. The game and its stylized characters have be the subject of various internet memes.

In this gameplay screshot of the original map, The Skeld, the white Impostor has killed the blue Crewmate. White's vision of the pink player has be partially obscured by the wall. Any player, including the killer, can report the dead body and trigger a meeting.

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And secretly chos to be the Impostors each round. As of 2021, four playable maps are available: a spaceship called "The Skeld, " an office building called "MIRA HQ, " a planet base called "Polus, "

The Crewmates can win the game one of two ways: either by completing all assigned tasks or by ejecting all Impostors. Impostors can likewise win in two ways: either by killing or ejecting all Crewmates,

At the start of the game, Crewmates are assigned "tasks" to complete around the map in the form of minigames, minipuzzles, and simple toggles, mostly consisting of maintance work on vital systems such as fixing wires and downloading data.

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Impostors cannot complete tasks, but may pretd to perform "fake" tasks to feign appearance as legitimate Crewmates. Impostors, however, can perform sabotages, ranging from minor (such as disabling lights, making Crewmates blind) to critical (such as disabling oxyg gerators), requiring immediate counteraction by Crewmates to prevt their deaths. Impostors may ter and traverse vtilation ducts (commonly known as "vting"), and kill nearby Crewmates. To help Crewmates idtify Impostors, there are various surveillance systems on each map, such as security cameras on The Skeld,

In addition, certain "visual tasks" provide animated cues, such as scanning oneself in the Skeld's medbay. As Impostors cannot perform tasks, Crewmates can use visual tasks to confirm their idtity to nearby Crewmates.

—who they believe to be Impostors based on available witness testimonies, with Impostors lying to hide their idtity or falsely accusing other players. Impostors can be idtified beyond reasonable doubt if they are se vting or killing a Crewmate, but ultimately players must weigh the veracity or value of each other's statemts. Players th vote for who they believe is an Impostor, if a plurality vote is obtained, the player who received the most votes is "ejected" from the game.

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Players who are killed or ejected become ghosts, which can still perform tasks (Crewmates) or sabotages (Impostors) but are otherwise unable to be se by or interact with living players. Effectively spectators, ghosts may see and pass through walls, follow players or other ghosts and chat with other ghosts.

A November 2021 update added additional specialized roles to the game: Crewmates can also be gineers, Scitists, or Guardian Angels. gineers can traverse vts like Impostors, albeit to a limited capacity. Scitists can check vitals at any time to see if any player has be killed rectly. Ghosts of Crewmates can become Guardian Angels, which can temporarily protect living players from being killed. Impostors likewise can be Shapeshifters, allowing them to temporarily morph into other players and assume their color and appearance.

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An alternative 'Hide and Seek' gamemode was added in December 2022. There are no meetings or ejections, and a single Impostor (whose idtity is known to the Crewmates) attempts to kill all Crewmates within a fixed countdown timer. Crewmates must hide or flee from the Impostor and can complete tasks to roll down the timer, as well as ter vts for a brief time to hide from Impostors. Crewmates are also giv a display showing their proximity to an Impostor as well as the number of remaining Crewmates.

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Prior to each game, various options can be adjusted to customize aspects of gameplay, such as player movemt speed, the allowed number of emergcy meetings, number of tasks and visual tasks,

Or whether or not an Impostor is revealed after being voted off, allowing participants to manually balance the game's settings to their desires.

The idea for the concept was originally giv by Marcus Bromander, co-founder of Innersloth, who had played Mafia since he was a kid. In the original game, function cards were dealt and players wandered around a house, aimlessly, while another person secretly killed the players, drawing a finger around their neck. Most of its mechanics were still prest in Among Us, but the team wanted to "alleviate the need to create an interesting home model and have someone wandering around in a boring vironmt". So, they decided that the game would be space-themed and also added tasks, which, according to Forest Willard, programmer at Innersloth, "changed several times during developmt".

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Wh they began developing the first map, they intded that the ship was always in crisis and that the Impostors could do tasks. However, they found this setup "stressful" and decided that it "[wouldn't leave] much time for detective work and informed meeting conversations".

Willard described playtesting as painful and frustrating, as the game would break down during sessions forcing him to sd playtesters new builds off of Google Play. The team tested the game with 8 of their frids and never tested the game with 9 or the maximum of 10 players.

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A "tightly packed headquarters roughly the size of The Skeld." A third map, Polus, was added on November 12, 2019, and is set in a research station.

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The fourth map, the Airship, was released on March 31, 2021, and is based on a location in the Hry Stickmin universe.

MIRA HQ and Polus originally cost players US$4 via in-app purchase. Their prices were reduced to US$2 on January 6, 2020, th made free on June 11, 2020.

While the map packs are still available for purchase on all platforms, they now only provide the player the skins that were bundled with the maps.

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According to programmer Forest Willard, the team "stuck with [the game] a lot longer than we probably should have from a pure business standpoint", putting out regular updates to the game as oft as once per week. This led to a steady increase in players, causing the game's player base to snowball. Bromander attributed this to the studio having ough savings to keep working on the game ev while it was not selling particularly well.

During this time, Forest Willard and Amy Liu continued to update Among Us, increasing the maximum player base, adding four servers and three regions,

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On September 23, 2020, the team announced that they abandoned developmt of the sequel in favor of reworking the original game's codebase, which they described as "outdated and not built to support adding so much new contt", so the team made plans to rework the game's core code to able adding new features.

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In October 2020, colorblind support for the "wires" task was added to the Among Us beta on Steam, as well as some previously unannounced lobby customization options.

In mid-February 2021, the game added a feature called Quickchat, which replaces the standard chat interface with a series of preset phrases that players must pick from. Players under the age of 13 are required to use Quickchat, but those over 13 are also allowed to use Free Chat, which allows them to type text messages.

In addition, Game Awards prester Geoff Keighley's face was added as a skin. The map itself is based upon the Hry Stickmin series' Toppat Clan Airship.

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The accounts system was implemted along with the update, and it allows players to report players that are not following Innersloth's Code of Conduct in order to make the game a welcoming and respectful place. Punishmt includes temporary to permant bans. They also stated that reports would be viewed manually and not by bots, that account creations would be required if players want to use Free Chat or to customize their nicknames, and that people under the age of 13 would need their parts' permission to create an account. Implemting an account system also allowed Innersloth to add account linking and a friding system in future updates.

Innersloth later revealed

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the human body art photography

the human body art photography

Magnum photographers explore the body through images that examine a range of subjects from identity, intimacy, sexuality and ritual, to voyeurism and performance

The exhibition The Body Observed, opening at the Sainsbury Centre of Visual Arts on 23 March, explores how the body has been looked at through the documentary lenses of 14

Argentum: Body Art Photography - The Human Body Art Photography

The exhibition is curated by the Sainsbury Centre in collaboration with Magnum Photos in response to the Sainsbury Centre’s extraordinary collection of European modern art – focused on the figurative in 20th Century modern art, as well as their significant early ethnographic collection of figurative objects from non-Western nations. Pablo Picasso, Edgar Degas, Francis Bacon, Jacob Epstein, Henry Moore, Alberto Giacometti and Amedeo Modigliani are all represented in the collection. 

Human Body: Lateral View

Considers the photographic representation of the human body, specifically in relation to the documentary photograph, and reflects upon how photographic representation both mimics and corrupts the tropes of figurative representation defined through the history of art, developing its own language through the medium’s unique position between utilitarian function and artistic application. In a multitude of ways, the camera has been used to express the body; to describe or suggest its function and form as well as metaphysical sensations; to gaze upon, objectify and categorize the body; and to view the body as a signifier for broader societal examination or reflection. Works presented in the exhibition explore thematics such as gaze, identity, intimacy, sexuality, voyeurism, ritual, and performance; drawing into focus the social and cultural structures that affect the representation of the human form.

Early studio works by Werner Bischof are an aesthetic ordering of form, as light and shadow falls on anonymous female torsos accentuating and hiding curves and features. After completing his artistic education in Switzerland under prominent members of the avant-garde, Bischof engaged in a search for beauty in pure form, as well as in nature. An interest in abstraction is present throughout Bischof’s early work, and here the body is photographed by display and omission, treated for its formal values as aesthetic object.

Herbert List Michelangelo's Slave, damaged plaster cast. Academy of Arts, Munich, Germany. Winter 1945 / 1946. © Herbert List | Magnum Photos

The Wonderland Of The Human Body By Alina Gross

Photographs by Herbert List, made across Europe and the Mediterranean between 1933-1958, highlight his fascination with both photograph and sculpture, as well as with the interstitial space between the two. In the selection of works shown, the ancient world, is depicted through Classical sculpture in Greece and Germany, which appears to be animated by the myth of the sculptor Pygmalion, wherein he makes a statue so beautiful that he falls in love with it. After begging the goddess Aphrodite to bring him a wife as captivating as his statue, she instead, brings Pygmalion’s sculpture to life. Reading List’s images through this narrative, and taking into account the time in which they were made, as war raged across Europe, photographs reference the fragility of human form through its mortality. A melancholy runs through the work as we contrast the weathered and ancient sculptures, still standing, against the glistening and rippled torsos of young men, human flesh whilst gazed on in desire, is permeated by impermanence.

This idea of the fragility of form appears again in the late Tim Hetherington’s intimate portraits of soldiers asleep on tour in Afghanistan (‘Sleeping Soldiers’). The single figures in slumber, curled up on camp beds, bare of uniform, show the men depicted as individuals lost in repose; vulnerable, fallible, essentially human. While the figures are stripped of any exterior roles within a war zone, the war renders the calm bodies all the more exposed in this tender examination of masculinity.

Alexander Yakovlev Captures The Human Body In Ballet - The Human Body Art Photography

In Philippe Halsman’s ‘Jumpology’ series, the body appears to be both subject, and obstacle to be coaxed. His photographs of male and female celebrities often incorporated elements of humor, play and performance. In the early 1950s, Halsman began to ask his subjects to jump for his camera at the conclusion of each sitting. In these uniquely witty and energetic images, the formal pose of the sitter falls away, and the subject loses a degree of control of their image. In each jump, Halsman’s subjects are photographed actively inhabiting their body, in all its energy, awkwardness, and imperfection.

Bodies Of Light With Rob Woodcox

With a reputation for creating sensitive depictions of public figures, most notably Marilyn Monroe, in 1959, Eve Arnold was invited to photograph Joan Crawford, one of the few silent film stars who had weathered the advent of ‘talkies’ to become one of cinemas most lauded stars. A range of vintage prints in the exhibition from this series explore the female body in relation to aging and the cult of celebrity, whereby the female icon is measured by beauty and youth. Arnold focuses on the beauty rituals at Crawford’s home that preluded her public appearances, and here we see the work involved in the construction of this body image. Whilst the camera freezes the moment, the body continues to change with time and age.

Eve Arnold Joan Crawford, actress (USA), trying to remember her lines during a rehearsal at home. Behind her is Joan as she was in Mildred Pierce. California. 1959. © Eve Arnold | Magnum Photos

Winners 2020 - The Human Body Art Photography

Each portray a performance for the camera. Gilden’s confronting style and punchy flash here record a fictional narrative. Models role-play hard-men and gangster’s mol’s at a Mafia funeral. Gilden frames his figures, and moves around his subjects, close-cropping to focus in on details – a shapely leg, a swinging hip, the female body fetishized and aestheticized bringing to life and adding allure to the clothing. There is also humour in his juxtapositions, a gazelle-like model towering above over an older woman on a sidewalk serves to emphasise the absurd, otherworldly nature of this particular kind of female beauty when encountered amongst the grit and grime of a New York sidewalk.

Photo Exhibition Body Performance Captures The Human Form In Emotive Acts

Through the work of Susan Meiselas,  Bieke Depoorter,  Olivia Arthur, and Alessandra Sanguinetti, themes of gender, sexuality, gaze, and identity are explored. Olivia Arthur’s ‘In Private’ shows the body as a site for exploring gender and sexuality in India against the socio-political constraints imposed upon individuals. Arthur initially worked in Mumbai with sitters who identify themselves as being part of the LGBTQI+ community, a community that represents contemporary diversity in relation to sexuality and gender. From this starting point, the photographer expanded the range of subjects to engage with the wider topic of sexuality in all its forms. Capturing intimate exchanges between a couple lost in embrace against lone individuals looking in and out of the frame, gaze is ever present in this work. Denial of privacy and the implications of being seen inhabit the photographs that are installed hanging together in a tight cluster. As a viewer, one peers in from vantage points on these intimate moments, as Arthur questions privacy in a political context whereby one’s most intimate moments are under the scrutiny of law.

Susan Meiselas’ ‘Carnival Strippers’ is considered an important work both within the history of photography and feminism. In the early 1970s, Meiselas spent her summers photographing and interviewing women who performed striptease as part of small town carnivals in the United States. Meiselas records the dynamics of performance, on stage and off, photographing both the subjects’ public performance and their private lives. In Meiselas’ portraits, the girls formally present themselves to her camera, posing, confronting. Throughout the work, there is an ever-present question about control; are the subjects (the girls) or the onlookers (the ‘customers’, the carnival barkers) in control? The female body here is neither simply the posed, silent nude or the exposed, naked self. The images of sexualized display are countered by the images made ‘behind the curtain’; the girls relaxing, climbing past one another, tidying. The body that is in one moment objectified, is in the next, domestic, ordinary. Work is the dominant theme. In the exhibition, the photographs are accompanied by an audio piece whereby the pomp of the carnival callers and racket of audience excitement is contrasted with the girls matter-of-fact talk about the realities of the job.

 - The Human Body Art Photography

Opening up the dynamic between photographer and subject, and between voyeur and object, is Bieke Depoorter’s ongoing work ‘Agata’. Agata, a young woman who Depoorter met in a strip bar one night during a moment of disillusion with photography,  employs her body as a tool in performance.

The Human Body Art Images

The two became friends and are recording the ongoing development of their relationship. As Depoorter follows her subject, she who was once a stranger is quickly transformed into a collaborator. Agata tentatively reveals her body to the camera, retreats into the night, lets her body fall softly onto furniture, the poise of performance removed. Integral to the display are Agata’s own handwritten reflections on the photographs: “I was creating myself anew for your camera. The everyday Agata behind the scenes. Not the one dancing in a strip club or performing violent acts during the techno parties.”

The two women create a fascinating reflection on the complexities of representation of both people and bodies, dually exploring how Agata perceives and presents herself, and how we as viewers read her through Depoorter’s images. Questioning the promise

Human Body Photography Artworks - The Human Body Art Photography

With a reputation for creating sensitive depictions of public figures, most notably Marilyn Monroe, in 1959, Eve Arnold was invited to photograph Joan Crawford, one of the few silent film stars who had weathered the advent of ‘talkies’ to become one of cinemas most lauded stars. A range of vintage prints in the exhibition from this series explore the female body in relation to aging and the cult of celebrity, whereby the female icon is measured by beauty and youth. Arnold focuses on the beauty rituals at Crawford’s home that preluded her public appearances, and here we see the work involved in the construction of this body image. Whilst the camera freezes the moment, the body continues to change with time and age.

Eve Arnold Joan Crawford, actress (USA), trying to remember her lines during a rehearsal at home. Behind her is Joan as she was in Mildred Pierce. California. 1959. © Eve Arnold | Magnum Photos

Winners 2020 - The Human Body Art Photography

Each portray a performance for the camera. Gilden’s confronting style and punchy flash here record a fictional narrative. Models role-play hard-men and gangster’s mol’s at a Mafia funeral. Gilden frames his figures, and moves around his subjects, close-cropping to focus in on details – a shapely leg, a swinging hip, the female body fetishized and aestheticized bringing to life and adding allure to the clothing. There is also humour in his juxtapositions, a gazelle-like model towering above over an older woman on a sidewalk serves to emphasise the absurd, otherworldly nature of this particular kind of female beauty when encountered amongst the grit and grime of a New York sidewalk.

Photo Exhibition Body Performance Captures The Human Form In Emotive Acts

Through the work of Susan Meiselas,  Bieke Depoorter,  Olivia Arthur, and Alessandra Sanguinetti, themes of gender, sexuality, gaze, and identity are explored. Olivia Arthur’s ‘In Private’ shows the body as a site for exploring gender and sexuality in India against the socio-political constraints imposed upon individuals. Arthur initially worked in Mumbai with sitters who identify themselves as being part of the LGBTQI+ community, a community that represents contemporary diversity in relation to sexuality and gender. From this starting point, the photographer expanded the range of subjects to engage with the wider topic of sexuality in all its forms. Capturing intimate exchanges between a couple lost in embrace against lone individuals looking in and out of the frame, gaze is ever present in this work. Denial of privacy and the implications of being seen inhabit the photographs that are installed hanging together in a tight cluster. As a viewer, one peers in from vantage points on these intimate moments, as Arthur questions privacy in a political context whereby one’s most intimate moments are under the scrutiny of law.

Susan Meiselas’ ‘Carnival Strippers’ is considered an important work both within the history of photography and feminism. In the early 1970s, Meiselas spent her summers photographing and interviewing women who performed striptease as part of small town carnivals in the United States. Meiselas records the dynamics of performance, on stage and off, photographing both the subjects’ public performance and their private lives. In Meiselas’ portraits, the girls formally present themselves to her camera, posing, confronting. Throughout the work, there is an ever-present question about control; are the subjects (the girls) or the onlookers (the ‘customers’, the carnival barkers) in control? The female body here is neither simply the posed, silent nude or the exposed, naked self. The images of sexualized display are countered by the images made ‘behind the curtain’; the girls relaxing, climbing past one another, tidying. The body that is in one moment objectified, is in the next, domestic, ordinary. Work is the dominant theme. In the exhibition, the photographs are accompanied by an audio piece whereby the pomp of the carnival callers and racket of audience excitement is contrasted with the girls matter-of-fact talk about the realities of the job.

 - The Human Body Art Photography

Opening up the dynamic between photographer and subject, and between voyeur and object, is Bieke Depoorter’s ongoing work ‘Agata’. Agata, a young woman who Depoorter met in a strip bar one night during a moment of disillusion with photography,  employs her body as a tool in performance.

The Human Body Art Images

The two became friends and are recording the ongoing development of their relationship. As Depoorter follows her subject, she who was once a stranger is quickly transformed into a collaborator. Agata tentatively reveals her body to the camera, retreats into the night, lets her body fall softly onto furniture, the poise of performance removed. Integral to the display are Agata’s own handwritten reflections on the photographs: “I was creating myself anew for your camera. The everyday Agata behind the scenes. Not the one dancing in a strip club or performing violent acts during the techno parties.”

The two women create a fascinating reflection on the complexities of representation of both people and bodies, dually exploring how Agata perceives and presents herself, and how we as viewers read her through Depoorter’s images. Questioning the promise

Human Body Photography Artworks - The Human Body Art Photography